We are a group of ordinary people, pursuing
an extraordinary God

We seek to know Christ, and to make Christ known:

To know Christ…

… through a growing relationship with Him lived out by a purposeful application of the teaching of His Word to our lives.

To make Christ known…

…by telling others the good news of Jesus Christ and the life available through Him.

An Invitation

We believe that there is a God in Heaven – Who is absolutely good and Who is absolutely in control. He has revealed Himself to us through the book that we call the Bible, and He has sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to pay the debt for our sin by means of His death on a cross. That this is proved by His resurrection.

Our response to God’s provision involves turning from our sinful self-centeredness, and by faith trusting God’s provision.

We invite you to place your trust in Jesus’ payment for your sin, and thus enter into a relationship with Him that will last forever.